Chasing the Sunset

by Idiosyncratic   Oct 12, 2004

Chasing the sunset
Searching for tomorrow
A destiny that will never be met
To which a hope will borrow

For if you stop to think
All thoughts will dissapear
Before you even blink
The answer will be clear

Like a dream come true
A goal you finally meet
It will come to you;
The answer that you seek

It may not look correct
It may even seem wrong
Just follow with respect
The truth will come along


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  • 19 years ago

    by in the realm of Chaos

    i love this poem! it leaves you with a feeling of awe and amazement. peaceful poem for a peaceful way of life ( i read ur veg. posts) i would love to talk to you sometime!!1 kissmyphil .. thats my aim sn.. thanks for posting such lovely poetry.


  • 19 years ago

    by Heidi

    Very nice poem, congrats! Keep up the good work !

  • 19 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    great work! i love this poem! you are getting better and better and at a year younger your talent has already surpassed mine! wow! i hope your grandparents are better!
    Lexi Lou