Turbulent life

by Sinister Soire   Oct 13, 2004

As it starts there is calm,
Then it hits
The pain over flows
It comes in waves
The calm warning of the coming turbulence
It comes quicker
There is no time to rest
The finial blow is overwhelming
But it is here
Suddenly it was all worth it
But the pain is not over
It grows again like before
Though this time slower
But as before it diminishes
And calm returns
Again after the calm
It has returned with more force
Devouring and expanding
It is a leech
Though in the next calm
It is a savior
Even later you do not know
It causes pain
But never more
As it returns to the ultimate calm
As death overwhelms the pain of life
It overwhelms your only child,
Your pain and your happiness

copyright 2004 © Logan Brown


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    thank you for the help, i will try to keep them like this. for you.

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Wow, incredible poem Logan, deep, powerful, emotional. Really great. I loved it. Keep writing doll. xxxxxxx


  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    thanx to any one that votes... please vote, and comments are greatly appreciated

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