Smiling back

by Fluffy Cotton   Oct 14, 2004

Smiling back

I slowly walked the hallways
Casting empty stares
Knowing in my heart
That you didn’t see me there

I tossed my books aside
And slowly took my seat
Glancing up at you
Then back down at my feet

You sat two seats away
to me it felt like three
I had sort of hoped
one day you’d sit by me

I couldn’t help but smile
Thinking back on when
we spent the day together
my head began to spin

Your voice to me was heaven
Your smile to me was life
Your eyes like moonlit stars
shot through me like a knife

The bell coursed through the room
as three fifteen was here
people darted swiftly passed
their silhouettes unclear

the room was still and silent
as everyone was gone
but when I looked back up
I noticed I was wrong

There you stood beside me
my eyes were filled with shock
my mouth was slightly opened
and yet I couldn’t talk

thirteen seconds passed
I had been keeping track
I looked up with a smile
and you were smiling back


**Feel free to comment. I love criticism. Thank you for reading my poem! C: **


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  • 20 years ago

    by chelsea

    Your a really great poem writer and tahnks for the tips i will try to think of them the next time I write any poems.~good job~

  • 20 years ago

    by «-Pale-Petals-»

    hey, this poem was really good, i got so into it, its relly easy for me to relate to, thanks for your comment and advice, il try to use it;)5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca Lynn

    I really liked this poem. Way to take me back to school ! You schould write a part 2, I would like to know what happens =)

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca Lynn

    I really liked this poem. Way to take me back to school ! You schould write a part 2, I would like to know what happens =)