Time stretches like string of yarn to a cat,
a ball of worry surrounded in a mat.
A feeling would it finally end my suffering or do I go on,
Or what is this wait all for nothing just a big con?
I hear no words but I forever have my ears about,
always in hiding but my attention remains stout.
Do I say a word to those that see me, for who I claim to be,
or do I just hold tight to my tongue until you come and set me free.
I will wait forever if you challenge me to do such,
for in the end I truly love you that much.
But when will the time come to pass,
when we can complete our love and become one mass.
Intertwined by passion and fused by love,
I only know this emotion for it was said in book sent from above.
Don’t kiss me and run away again for I can’t take no more,
for if you love me then enter my soul like you had before.
Share with me your life and rest your worries on my hand,
for please come to me and let me take you from this hell ridden land.
I am in hell everyday I am not with you,
take me now for I tire of waiting please do what you must do.