Ill stop loving you when...

by Emily   Oct 14, 2004

I\'lL StOp LovIng you
WhEn DiAmonDs NeveR sPaRkLe
and FlOwErs cEaSe To GrOw
WhEn ThUnDeR dOeSn\'T eChO
aNd RiVeRs dOn\'T fLoW
wHeN HeArts nO LoNgEr wOnDeR
aNd HaNds aRe NeVeR HeLd
wHeN sMiLeS aRe OnLy mEmOrIeS
aNd HoPe Is NeVeR FeLT
WhEn TrEeS nO LoNgEr bLoSsOm
aNd sTarS ReFuSe To rIsE
wHeN AuTuMn hAs No FaLLiNg LeAvEs
AnD WiNTeR nEvEr DiEs
WhEn TiMe HaS nO tOmorRoWs
AnD rAiNbOwS hAvE nO HuE
WhEn GoD aLoNe
ComMaNds Me
tHeN iLL StOp LoViNg YoU

This has to be one of my favortie poems!! its not mine n whoevr made it i thank! its so good!!


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