Top of The Hill

by Ian Robert   Oct 15, 2004

Drown and drown,
Forever at rest,
Knowing that tomorrow will bring better sex,
Cause this creation takes time,
And for that we must wait,
Followers of god, and his sinners gate,
Liston to every one of his lies,
It's listed in his holy book that they prescribe.

Bottles of wine,
Pressed from the fruit of his vines,
To taste and spit, its the blood of their lord,
Throw to the floor an angels beliefs,
The tears she cried as the wings softly tore,
Created this potion for us to adore.

Drown and drown,
In that bottle of wine,
Stronger and stronger,
Squeeze the hate from my sin,
Into the juice we drink like gin,
Ferment my thoughts into this bastards curse,
The age of this mixture is long past missed,
It's label wore off, or so it was told,
This here bottle is so very old.

This is from the bibles truth,
The man on the hill gave himself away,
Into the story thats told today,
So before you go and take this for granted,
Remember he died so that you could have it.

Ian Robert Potapoff


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