My Little Hero

by Sara   Oct 15, 2004

I came home from school, and wanted to start my homework.
But dad had different plans for me.
He got mad because I didn't do the dishes from dinner the night before.
Typical Scenario for my days.
He yells and I take it.
Up in my face
Fists start flying.
All because the dishes weren't done.
I made a mistake; I forgot to be an adult while I'm only 16.

The next morning my body hurt.
My cheek and my eyes, but mostly my arm.
Mom thinks it's broken.
I took an accidental flight down the stairs.
I love my mom, but she's just as scared as me.
We call the school, saying that I'll be late.
We sling my arm, band-aid my cuts, and patch my eye
As if I'm not an outcast at school already.

I tell my friends it was an accident.
Everything has been an accident
The broken ribs
The bruises
The black eyes
They all know by now
That I hold a secret within my lips.
Dare they say anything?
Not to my bruised face.

I go through school
Explaining my story of tragedy to all the teachers.
Making sure the stories are straight
I'm sure they all talk, just like my friends.
My parents have been called a few times
But we all know the drill; we practice the same story.
But I think I used this story last month
With the broken nose incident.
So many stories, they all get mixed up.

When I walk home with my younger brother
He hugged me so tight.
"I'm afraid to go home sissy"
Looking me in the eyes
he sees my fear
He touches my face
His fingers run over my eye patch and down to my band-aid
Onto my broken arm in a sling.
"Sissy" he says, "I love you so much. Why does daddy hurt you?"
I can't help but cry.
I never try to let him see my cry.
I want to be strong sissy
Brave sissy, wonderful sissy.
But I can't hold these feelings in anymore.

Flashing red and blue lights
Sit in front of our house
Mom screams and police come out of the house.
Father in cuffs
My father in handcuffs
Looks up at my face
How dare he look me in the eye
Brother runs to mom
And they fall to the ground in tears.
I stand baffled.
My worst nightmare is gone.
The man who hurts me has been taken away.
Through all 16 years
I never said a word.
But finally someone noticed
Finally someone brave
Stopped my heartache and pain.
Finally someone strong
Saved me from death.
My 7-year-old brother
Called the police on my father that day.
Never have I met anyone
Stronger, braver, or more amazing
Than my 7-year-old brother.


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