Listen very carefully to what I have to say
This is important, and only for you to hear
I love you very much, and I was thinking today
How much I miss you whenever you aren't near.
I'm always thinking about you, and I never tire
Of thinking of your smile, your voice, your touch
I love all your qualities, all of which I also admire
I'm always scared to lose you, I need you so much.
When you say "I love you", do you know how I feel?
The feeling is amazing, you wouldn't even know
Every time I'm with you, everything's surreal
And I find I have feelings impossible to show.
I don't know how to tell you, even though I've tried
I just don't think you'll ever know how real this is
You took away the pain of every tear I'd ever cried
And you change my life with each and every kiss.
I just wrote this hoping maybe you'd understand
How deeps these feelings run, how I know this is true
You've helped me to be everything that I can
You have to understand this, it's important...I love you.