It was an accident

by candy   Oct 17, 2004

In my room alone
lying on my bed
my mother walks in
but nothing is said

tears run down her face
as she looks at my desk
she is so sad
but to be happy she tries her best

the doorbell rings throughout the house
she quickly wipes away her tears
all my friends are at the door
the friends i had for years

we're not friends anymore
they wont even look at me
but when my mom saw them
she actually looked happy

she pointed them to the backyard
and said "ill be out in a minute"
opened a package on my bed
and cried at what was in it

i don't know why she is sad
but in tears she falls to the floor
my old friends walk back in
and lead her out the back door

i opened up the package
it was about a year old suicide
the story seemed familiar
it stirred something inside

i read the entire story
how a girl slashed with a knife
until the night they found a note
and that night she took her life

they found her laying on the floor
in a puddle of dark red
i look at the floor with tears in my eyes
and see a stain next to my bed

i hadn't noticed before
how the red stood out from white
then my friends came back in
and took the package out of sight

i follow them to the backyard
and cant believe what i see
they sit in a circle holding hands
in honor and memory...of me

my mom raised her voice
to be heard above the rest
then she began praying
begging to forget

to forget the day she found me
consumed in all my pain
forget the day she saw what happened
when i dug a knife into my vein

now my friends all took turns
telling the sky how they feel
as they expressed all their pain
i couldn't believe this was real

a year ago today
was the day that i died
i don't remember why i did it
i know because Ive tried

one last person walks in late
explains and apologized
said he was crying to hard
to be able to drive

his eyes are red and swollen
as he screams he doesn't understand
i walk over and hug him
and hold onto his hand

i know he cannot hear me
but i whisper "i love you so
its time to say goodbye
I'm gone, now let me go"

i know that on this night
is the time ill finally go to the sky
and all of my loved ones
will be able to say goodbye

i know that they'll have comfort
now that I'm finally gone
ill live on through their memories
but now they can move on

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  • 17 years ago

    by DeadandBleeding

    Wow, that was so sad, so powerful. I loved the imagery you use, you are such a talented writer.

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    A very sad poem, i enjoyed it, i always believed that sad poems were the best and you reminded me that.

    Best Wishes

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this brought tears to my eyes. This is really sad and I liked the way you approched it. 5/5

    <UnToLd TrUtH>

  • 18 years ago

    by Anick

    That was really good.
    You're a very talented person.
    Keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Chasie

    Wow this was a really great poem i reallyenjoyed reading it

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