Another Sleepless Night

by Dark Savior   Oct 17, 2004

I lay awake in my bed each night
wondering what is wrong tonight
i wonder if the world is right

i wonder if the day will be good
i wonder if i am getting what i should
i wonder if i get a girlfriend, i could

lay awake in my bed dreaming of past things
hearing the bird; outside my window as it sings
i look at the phone as it lets off some rings

that got me to thinking about marriage
to dance, that would make me embarrassed
to marry a girl who is the fairest.

i toss and i turn as i feel this urn
it grows in my heart and begins to burn
soon i figured that i will begin to learn

soon the rays shine through the drapes
wondering why man is better then apes
wondering why we are the ones who escaped

i lay here in my bed and think about life and death
i think about all the people out there doing meth
on earth you have the good and bad, expect no less

i wish i could write this poem abit better, i protest
but i have been up all night and i am trying my best
i hope that soon sometime that my soul will rest

i thought about cheating as i had many different times
how it shows up in almost everyone of my rhymes
but i know that they get what they deserve sometimes

i wish that i had my fair share at this lifetime
to ask for just a little bit, is that such a crime?
so this i wrote and think is something Genuine

so if your like me and spend countless nights awake
don't let it happen make a step forward instead
you shouldn't sleep away your life in some stuffy bed

so if you are reading this and it has influenced you at all
please don't hesitate in giving a call, to your girlfriend or boyfriend
telling the truth, it's what i would want to begin at the root

if you have vampire hours and odd little habits
then just think of yourself as a white little rabbit
and the next time that you think that you have had it

just step back and look into the mirror
if you like what you see when you peer
then next time you hold a loved one near

if you think about the somethings i do
then i must say that i have pity for you
because i have a problem and you do too.

(a poem i wrote because i couldn't sleep, because i was thinking about past relationships lost, cheating woman, if i will marry, if i will have kids, if i am crazy for thinking this way, for wondering all these silly things and not being able to sleep. So your input would be greatly appreciated.)


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  • 16 years ago

    by xX the left behind Xx

    Woah..its awesome how u came up with a good piece like this one when u couldn't sleep..hhe..
    enwei..keep up the gud work. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    You’re definitely not alone on this one….as I sit here writing this comment, it is 6:26 A.M. and I’m not nearly tired enough to sleep, yet again. I always had the problem of thinking too much (worrying too much that is)…I’d often find myself furrowing my brow unconsciously…from my worrying over just about everything, many what if’s and why’s and unanswerable questions and the future/past…and what a pain it is when you can’t shut up your own mind…which is the only time I have a problem shutting up. Now I have insomnia, and I can't sleep for more reasons than thinking too much... Enough about me...the poem is outstanding...I love it...truly....


  • 19 years ago

    by *~*Soldier Lover*~*

    very good, a little jumpy but very good. it's like several different stories in one poem. I enjoyed how it wasn't preachy but real and true. Keep on writitng, and I appreciate your comment as well.
    *~*Soldier Lover*~*

  • 19 years ago

    by A Fallen Angel

    hey dude it is a great poem. i really liked it and i can actually agree with you that yeah i have a problem too. thinking about all of the things. like why am i here on this earth when so many bad things happen?? but then you read poetry especially poems like yours and it kinda puts everything into a new light. im sorry if i don't make any sense but i have problems communicating what i feel exactly. hope you understand.

  • 19 years ago

    by shenoa

    lol, i have to say, your one of my favorate poets on this entire site... i know exactly how you mean... laying in bed pondering the past, prestent, and future... somthing that anxiety and just plain being human does to a person. i lay in bed, hoping, wondering, wishing, believing, i lay in bed hoping for somethings, wondering about somone, wishing to be happy, believing it will happen some day... basicly.. your not crazy and your very inspiring... great write... i hope to read more.