The beginning of the End...

by SplitSided   Oct 19, 2004

Show me a miricle just one.
But god stands in front of me and says the worst is yet to come.
My world is about to end.
And i can see my world start to break and bend.
Falling away from me.
Losing the light that i couldn\'t ever see.
My faith is a lost cause.
Killed by my many flaws.
Kill me again i\'m ready to go.
And still god doesn\'t have a miricle to show.
This is starting to grow old.
This morose feeling is growing cold.
The hits keep right on.
The feeling of hope is lost and gone.
Looking for a hand someone would lend.
But there is nothing there, so this is the beginning of the end.
Still waiting for that miricle god would send.
But he gave me the beginning of the end...


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