Have i told you?

by Robyn   Oct 19, 2004

I love you more than life
i love you more than dance
i love you like no one can
i love you like my family loves me

i wish i knew just how to tell u
how much.....
i love you

some times i think
you and only you
can make my life better
can love me like no other
and most of all make me
smile inside and out

Honey bee i love you
how do i tell you
how can i make you understand
just how much you mean to me
how much i want to be with you?

Honey bee I LOVE YOU!!!
i have told you before?
i love you more than life?
more than dance?
like no one can?
like a family loves their little girl?
have i told you?

have i told you....
that only you can make my life better?
that you can love me like no other?
that you make me smile in side and out?
have i told you?

have i ever told you any of this?
i wish i could tell you
how much you mean to me
how much i love you
and how much my family loves you

but i cant i wont
i want to so badly
but you have hurt me
every time you say that
you love me
you want to hold me
and kiss me
you want to be by my side
every minute of every day

every time you say any of that
do you really mean it?
are you going to make it all come true?
or is it all some kind of trick?
some kind of lie?
a way to get me in your pants?

tell me now before i love you any longer
cause baby i love you


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