I talked with you yesterday
As you sat and ate lunch
I decided to sit and stay
My stomach tightened, a gut punch
And then I prepared to let my heart leak
It was strange, you interrupted me; said don’t speak
And said something strange to me
You told me your first love broke up, see
And you had said that you’d done the same
Then you said you had a talk; told me he was lame.
Said he was an a jerk: a cretin
And that you couldn’t believe you dated him
Weird to hear, from the girl u were dumped
My heart started to pump
at an amazing pace, hope flowed in my veins
For just a second I let myself think there would be no more pains
But only a moment, for I had to say what I had sat to
There was a pause, so that my excitement could die
We locked eyes, and we both began to smile
I let myself loose, let my mouth fly.
I told you as I made myself grasp your hand
That I would love you as long as you lived in this world, this land
That I feel the scatterbrained, flighty feeling that one feels before
One even opens loves two-way door
I told you that no matter what, my love for you will stay
Whether or not we live as two, if you turn me away
Then you said you didn’t know what to say
And I replied, don’t worry, say not, just live your day
I know not now how you feel about me
Maybe you have a lack thereof
But I think its ‘to be or not to be’
In form of love.