Unbreakable Secret

by Robert   Oct 20, 2004

The body was cast into a room along the wall,
where few people could hear its call.
The darkness shielded it for it would not grow,
the body that huddled inside the bag moved slow.
Hours passed as it unwrapped its cocoon,
only to find in the cell was a small spoon.
The meals were brought one morning and then night,
the giver of those meals, were always away from sight.
Days turned into years and beauty turned into old,
and it was a death’s sentence that it was being sold.
It did not speak or even mention a name,
for its whole life it was told that it was to blame.
Cursed by those that wished to see its demise,
it held its tongue hoping it was wise.
At first they came to tease it and told it to tell,
or live in this damp and God forsaken cell.
It said not a word for no one would break its will,
for the secret it held silence would seal.
Then they stopped coming in what seemed to be forever,
until someone released the lever.
A kick to the vile silent image was finally dead,
then they left without a word being said.
Ages went on still no word or end,
the only thing was a small bowl of food was its only friend
Old and gray not wanting to go another day,
but realizing it was in this hell it would have to stay.
The pain of carving word on this wall with their fingernail,
it stead fast in its conviction so that it story would not fail.
The last of its words are marked so all could see,
for now finally death can come and set me free.

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2004


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  • 19 years ago

    by VampyraKi†

    you must have had alot of time you have alot of poems and they are all good

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    Interesting, and unique. Also, once again, very well written. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by squirttt

    i like the whole mysterious-ness (if that's a word) of the poem. i was kinda like 'hmm..' (in a good way) in a few parts, but i have to say, it's very interesting in its own good way. keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Nici

    Certainly one of your more vivid poems, whcih made for an interesting read!

    Keep Writing

  • 19 years ago


    once again it had a image behind it i really enjoyed it....and yea you should wite short storys they would rock..if you have any email them to me id really enjoy them..i also gave this a 5 x)