
by Judy   Oct 21, 2004

Clenched fists in fear,
Holding back the tears,
Shedding one less every year,
I'm too scared,
It's hard to hear.

With broken wings I spread them high,
The pains a heart ripping slowly inside,
By myself I strive to fly,
To rise above my clouded mind,
Blind like serenity,
Falling down,
You've pulled me back,
Only wondering how.

I mend my wings you have broke,
Strong as my new found hope,
I spread them out and start to jump,
No longer drained from this horrid dump,
Off I go I'm falling slow,
Only to open up and soar,
Above like never before.


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by lokighost

    great poems keep it up and don't stop


  • 20 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    self expression with a l;ot of good metaphors