Dreams hold no escape (addition to chapter 3)

by Mild insomnia   Oct 22, 2004

Dim the lights,
The whole thing really hurts my eyes,
Has it always been this bright?
If that's so why doesn't this feel right?
My head aches,
I'm not sure how much more I can take,
You don't know how many bones you'll break,
With one swift blow, am I still awake?

Dreams hold no escape,
At least not for me anyway,
There's nowhere I can feel safe,
No where to go, I can't run away.

Close the door,
I don't think I can hack anymore,
I've been through this three times before,
And I won't live through it once more.

Dreams hold no escape,
At least not for me anyway,
There's nowhere I can feel safe,
No where to go, I can't run away.

My left stained with my blood,
The other side with mud,
It's not looking good.
I'm feeling much weaker,
Falling much deeper,
Toward the grim reaper.

Dreams hold no escape,
At least not for me anyway,
There's nowhere I can feel safe,
No where to go, I can't run away.


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