Why Not?

by Alya   Oct 23, 2004

Why not?

Come into my despair...

Take off your hat, leave extra layer,

Put your coat hanging on the door...

You won't be needing it no more.

I'll make you tea.

We'd sit and talk,

Beyond the ticking of the clock.

There is no need for space or time...

It is my despair only mine.

but then you're welcomed if you dare.

To walk in, sit, and share despair.

No need to offer helping hand.

Sit here, sip tea, be my friend.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by charmed

    i like it different concept the imageries r very unique n very well put together

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    I disagree with RyanSmith, if you had had more imagery, it would have made the poem not so simple, and so heartwrenching. This is my favorite of your poems that I've read so far. I think everyone would like to have just one friend. Anyway, a great poem. Keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by RyanSmith

    This is a solid poem but I felt that it lacked something. It was just that I felt that you could have done more with your imagery.

  • 20 years ago

    by .x.PorteR.x.

    That was really well written! I liked it! 5/5

    BTW, thanks heaps for commenting on my poem!

    xox, PorteR

  • 20 years ago

    by insane authority

    ill sip tea lol