A dream Is You

by Matti   Oct 23, 2004

People have many dreams,
To be such a big star,
To have a bunch of money,
to go and travel far,

If i could get my dream,
My life would be fur filled,
My worlded would be upside down,
And My life would be thrilled,

My dream is you,
My dream is us,
My dream is being together,
It's for you to live your life in peace,
And for me to help you stay,

For me to help you stay,
And protect you from the bad,
To help in thoose times,
That lovers really should,

A dream is somthing special,
It's somthing you cannot fear,
And when you get the chance,
YOu take it wothout the fear,

YOu take it without fear,
Because its what you want,
You make it happen,
The way you want it,
And you don't let it drop,

My dream is me,
My dream isyou,
My dream is us together,

For us to love,
For us to bend,
For me and you together.


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