No one seems notices..

by Matti   Oct 24, 2004

No one knows how i am,
Or how i feel inside,
I put on a fake smile,
and try to act real cool,
I don't have many friends,
And i don't have a great life,
This fake smile must be working,
Because no one seems to notice,
No one asks me how i am,
Or how I've been doing lately,
No one knows how i feel,
Or what i feel inside,
This smile must be working,
Cuz' I'm really torn up inside,
Why doesn't any one notice,
why don't you all just ask,
I need someone to talk to ,
I really need to stop,
But for now I'll throw the smile on,
Walk the walk,
Talk the Talk,
And if you notice tell me,
Or ill just continue to walk....


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