Her Last Night.

by Marta   Oct 24, 2004

Today's just another day
For a lost, hopeless girl
She wishes all the sad
To leave her little world.

After all these years
Of struggle and pain
She just wants out
From her wires and chains.

The blood red tears
Pour out like rivers
As she makes a cut
Her whole body shivers.

Scars in every direction
Shapes of many kinds
Crosses, stars, circles
Some just little lines.

An unforgettable past
Resists inside her head
An unstopable force
Wishing to be dead.

Poems and pictures
Pinned to her walls
Explaining the dreams
Of frightening falls.

A white rich carpet
Sooked bright red
From all the times
She tried to bled.

The broken mirror
Lays on the floor
The time she just
Couldn't take no more.

Ripped up photographs
From the friends she had
All of them backstabbers
To leave her very sad.

An abandoned bed
With an empty room
A gun on the table
To blow the gloom.

She just wants out
The pain gets bigger
With no hesitation
She pulls the trigger.


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  • 20 years ago

    by oOXkonnXOo

    wow that is an amazing poem! it is so sad! please remember that there are still people who care about you! if you ever need to talk leave me a message


  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    i thought it was great and the only thing i would change would be this:

    A white rich carpet
    Sooked bright red
    From all the times
    She tried to bled.

    and i would put it into what ♪ ♥♪ ♥♪ said:

    A white rich carpet
    Soaked bright red
    From all the times
    That she had bled.

    other than that i loved it!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow, excellent poem, marta! i have to admit you are a very talented writer, i cannot wait to read more of your poems!

  • 20 years ago

    by Luvmeluvr

    Very beautiful. I love poems like this.

  • 20 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    hey marta!!! WOW!!! This poem was soo powerful and sad, yet beautifully written..Like all your poems!!!
    Never forget how highly I think of you!!!! Your amazing!!!
    Stay safe hun!!
    luv always