I try and forget it but it just plays over and over again in my head.
The fact your gone forever I try to think your just sleeping but your dead.
I try to forget it I could have saved you but I was too scared too.
I’m so sorry I didn’t help you as much as I could I miss you I really do.
Everything so different now that you gone memories so strong in my mind.
You were just so different from the rest you were just one of a kind.
They may think it’s stupid that I cried and screamed for you that night.
I could see nothing but you getting hurt and that horrible sight.
Every once and a while it slips my mind but it comes back to make me go insane.
I wish you would come back for me now and heal the constant pain.
I love you and I miss being here with you but I guess it’s better that you left then stay.
Because you would had suffered so horribly I just wish I could forget that day.
Forget that I didn’t try forget that it’s half of my fault I was just so scared I was so wrong.
I wish I could have pulled him off but I watched I wish I was so strong.
A s to save your live to see you when I got home to have some one to sleep with every night.
Now I sit alone by myself in bed I go to look for you but you aren’t there it just ain’t right.
I feel like I should have been there holding your hand through the pain but I was sitting crying selfishly.
It wasn’t real it wasn’t meant to be but it was real As I sat there I was mad at you for leaving me.
I’m so sorry I just wish I could forget it because I regret it.
I wish I could just forget it.