Every time i close my eyes...

by SplitSided   Oct 26, 2004

A dream, a fantasy.
A dream of you and me.
But i come back to.
When i start talken to you.
I stare deep into your eyes.
And to my surprise.
I go back to dreaming.
I think of your smile and how it's beaming.
Right into my eyes.
Right there everything dies.
I don't know what to do.
And i can't go on without loving you.
Every time i close my eyes.
I think about it.
Will it ever happen, i doubt it.
I hold your hand in mine.
And then we start to freeze time.
After awhile nothing matters anymore.
Then all of a sudden your the reason i'm living for.
i hold you in my arms late at night.
Tell you that it's all right.
I don't want to leave this feeling of purity.
It will last as long as there is you and me.
God i love you so much.
That feeling is almost something i can touch.
Your mine forever.
And i'll lose you never.
Hold you close to my heart.
I'm waiting for my feeling of purity to start.
Every time i close my eyes.
It's right there in my memory.
And it's something i can see.
But can't touch.
I miss that feeling so much.
I put my hand up into the cold air.
But there is nothing there.
And my hand is left bare.
A flashback hits me.
Sets all my feelings for you free.
Everything that i had trapped comes unleashed.
i can feel your touch in a small breeze.
Right there in my hand.
I want you back.
I can't think of what to do.
I can't go on without loving you.
In my hand a memory of you lies.
I see you every time i close my eyes...


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