She Isn't Beautiful, She Is Beauty

by John Holley   Oct 26, 2004

I love her to infinite, plus infinite,
times infinite, to the infinite power.
God blessed the earth when he made her.
As a matter of fact, I doubt God himself
could have made something this perfect.
She isn't beautiful, she is beauty.

Her eyes are windows to heaven.
No camera can capture her smile.
The sun rises everyday just to see her.
It's like she brightens the sun's day.
She isn't beautiful, she is beauty.

My heart skips a beat when I hear her name.
It gets unhealthy after awhile.
Every time I see her I fall in love.
Without her there would be nothing to
compare the birth of a child to.
She isn't beautiful, she is beauty.

John Walter Holley


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  • 20 years ago

    by John Holley

    yeah she has been the motivstion to most of my greats. but thats because people as perfect as her are supossed to be wrote about. oh and im really the lucky one. (read "lucky me")

  • 20 years ago

    by Tianna

    Do you write most of these poems to your girlfriend?
    if you do she must be a really lucky and very special girl

  • 20 years ago

    by Mephastophilis

    AWWW. Sweet poem, (hope she appreciated it.) the overally flow of it was pretty good. in your profile it says ur a football player, now i'm not american but i've never heard of football player who write poems. do your teamates know u do? what do they think of it? i'm not saying it's a bad thing, in fact i think its brillaint. i'm just intrested thats all. anyways take care. xmollyxx