• 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    i like it. the emotions are so real.

  • I like it a lot, you should write it in poem form instead of a paragraph. It makes it look alot better thus bringing attention to it. This peice had great emotion, simply wonderful.

  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    i really like it! keep on writing! you are under my favorites now!

  • They are long lined poems.. that doesn't mean that it is wrong.
    Your poem reflected great emotion and was written well .

    Except the grammar.

    There are lot of mistakes. Please correct it. In the 1st line, it is act not acts.. and it is you are..not your.

    There is lot more. But you find it yourself.

    Don't decrease the beauty of your poem with silly grammar mistakes.

  • 20 years ago

    by *Sherrie*

    i can totally relate to this some places it was a little blurry...but a great poem overall...sherrie...