Missing You

by ~*BlueBerryBtch*~   Oct 27, 2004

Everything about u i love
my heart is filled with love for u
u bring me joy and happiness
u are my lucky charm keeping me away from harm, so safe and warm
baby i miss u so much, but i know i can never have u back, but i still want u in my life forever always,
I'm missing u, wishing u were here so i can be in Ur arms.
all i want is u, just to be with u, cuz I'm always thinking about u.
and i know my love for u is true, so hopefully u'll feel the same way too


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  • 20 years ago

    by Browneyes

    I loved your poem I feel the same way hope to hear from you. Thanks for writing a comment on mine and sticking up for me. Take good care!

  • 20 years ago

    by Browneyes

    I loved your poem I feel the same way hope to hear from you. Thanks for writing a comment on mine and sticking up for me. Take good care!

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashley

    this is a really good poem. I feel the same way about my ex boyfriend too. Its very hard. Thanks for the comment on my poem too, ment a lot to me. Take care, peace and love.

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*BlueBerryBtch*~

    thank u