Tearful bliss?

by Mild insomnia   Oct 28, 2004

Slowly calling the police,
Acting like I'm on my knees,
Begging them come quickly please,
My friend here she can hardly breathe.

Stay on the line we won’t be long,
I hang up, I know it’s wrong,
Can’t stop regretting what I’ve done,
At one point this seemed like fun….

Fun taking another’s life!?
For filling yours with only strife!
An eye for an eye…
I’ve only crossed off half a list…
Shit, where’s my list, it’s on the floor!
The cops are knocking on the door!
I lick my thumbs and rub my eyes…
Revenge is such a tearful bliss…

Can’t stop regretting what I’ve done,
At one point this seemed like fun….

I tell them all, the sad, sad tale,
How once, she put some dudes in jail,
They were released last night on bail,
And cam round here to make her pay.

I tried to fight; I kicked and screamed,
Fortunately they left me be,
They left after this awful deed,
And that’s when I called the police…

Fun taking another’s life!?
For sentencing you to life?
An eye for eye?
I can’t believe I’m hearing this….
They knocked me out, on the floor,
Which way they went, I never saw…
Once again I start to cry…
Revenge must be a tearful bliss…


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