Split personality

by Mild insomnia   Oct 28, 2004

Ok, I guess that I must be psychologically screwed,
And I owe this all to you, for what you put me through,
I just don’t know what to do,
Now that I’m blue,
Cos of you,
Tell me something new.

Still I wanna help you out,
When you shout,
So damn loud,
At me to get out,
Until you come around,
And tell me that you’ve calmed down,
So we’ll just keep your feet on the ground,
At least for now,
If you’d just listen anyhow.

You’d kill me if you ever got the chance to,
So I’m praying that you never will,
It’s not something you wanna do…
And you’d love me, if ever I would let you,
But I’m not saying how I really feel,
It just makes no sense to…
And you’ve put me through such hell,
Still I wish you well…
How can you be so cruel?

You tell me,
You’re suicidal, and very sad indeed,
You’ve been drinking more and more lately,
You’ve started smoking weed,
And how can I believe,
When you say you love me.

Its obvious that I just can’t,
When you’re acting like a skank,
And you keep taking me for grant…
Ed, By causing me harm,
And it’s bringing me down,
To find you lying around,
With all these cuts on your arm.

You’d kill me if you ever got the chance to,
So I’m praying that you never will,
It’s not something you wanna do…
And you’d love me, if ever I would let you,
But I’m not saying how I really feel,
It just makes no sense to…
And you’ve put me through such hell,
Still I wish you well…
How can you be so cruel?


Oh, and can someone tell me if this makes any sense?


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