by Kaylyn Holaday   Oct 28, 2004

You met me on the phone
and you already won my heart
thanks for making smile
I'll never forget you for that..

I knew you only for a night,
you're tragic death wasn't right,
you helped me find my spirit
and my light

You were my token to the man I loved
and I never really said thanks
now you're gone..

I liked talking to someone new,
it was refreshing..
I'll miss you cousin Brent.
I know bradley does too..

Brad hates me now I'm sure
but i still love him and I always will
he was so special to me.

You may have been the crazier friend of mine
but you're the best..
Thank you.

you called me, called me
I let you see me true
when you called, called me
i can picture you already
from the inside, not the out
when you called me, called me
I'm in love.

creative voices=creative minds=nothing ordinary


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