
by Matti   Oct 28, 2004

I know a kidd ,
Who knows a kidd,
Who has a cousin who cries,
A cousin that cries cuz all teh lies,
The lies behind the tries,
The tries that make her fit in,
The ones that make her dress in black,
The black for missarry,
The black for care,
That black that makes you moan,
That black that makes you cry,
the one that makce her feel like trash,
The trash that you hurt,
The trash you throw out,
The one that no one likes,
The kinda trash that makes that sweet girl cry,
Now im just a 13 year old boy,
And i cannot do a thing,
I can't change how they think,
I can't change the way they treat her,
I just feel so bad,
Cuz romors do bad things,
Things that have happen to this girl,
The things that will make you cry,
SO i hope you said good-bye,
The kinda good-byes that say i'm sorry,
All because you did this,
And no good byes can be said,
Because she's gone...


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