
by SCARECROW   Oct 29, 2004

I had a mad desire to slit my wrists, all thanks to Sin, so instead I wrote this. Before I got shoved into an asylum. By the way, all you poeple who comment on my stuff (you know who you are) I love you guys so much! You totally rock!

Rope of existence around my throat.
Watching, dying, Christ will gloat.
Knife of death set me free.
Crying, bleeding, let me be.

Abandoned even by my shadow
for the night has hungrily devoured its flesh.

Carving my sorrows onto the hollow
in the flesh of my soul.
Pushing the knife through my skin
leaving empty gaping holes.

Sign the covenant of my crucifixion.


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  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    Graet Job. Dark and some very nice phrases and rhymes. Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by midnight♥lullibys

    omg thats so deep....great job...i loved it! 5/5 very depressing...

  • 20 years ago

    by Clarity

    HMMMM... Your poem is real... It has a quality of realness, that you usually don't find, Its disturbing, yet unique....

  • 20 years ago

    by Carrie

    hey tiff great stuff remeber sin is trash well thats what i think wish tat arshole who keeps goin on bout struture to your poems would shut up EMMONTIONS DONT HAVE STRUCTURE SO WHY SHOULD POEMS THAT ARE FULL OF EMMONTION HAVE STRUCTURE YOU HEARTLESS FOOL!!!!! ok now that i have that off my chest lol c ya lata tiff luvin your stuff keep writin

  • 20 years ago

    by Amilo

    Darkly beautiful! I really enjoyed reading this poem...

    stanza two line two, it's should be its.