First True Love..

by Matti   Oct 29, 2004

When we were in sixth grade,
Going on to seventh,
I slept over your house,
I was a little uncomfterble,
But my cousin came with me,
You and her were friends,
The Best there could be,
Our fathers were friends,
Friends like you and me,
So after playing games,
And talk all through the night,
It was about one,
When your mother tucked us in at night,
I slept in the room next to yours,
Where you and my cousin slept,
I snuck into the room,
Where us three could talk,
She had to go the bathroom,
So my cousin left,
Where she left me and you,
That night we turned into friends,
You looked into my eyes,
And told me they were brown,
I said that they were hazel,
And you did a silly frown,
YOu replied to me \\\"i hate people with hazel eyes\\\",
And i just kept starring at you,
We both smiled,
And that was the night that i started loving you.


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