Stix n stones

by Matti   Oct 29, 2004

Bricks and stones,
May break my bones,
But words may never hurt me,
Is the stupist thing i've ever heard,
Some one made up all that crap,
But somthing must be heard,
So listen to me,
Hear me through,
Everythi8ng counts on you,
Have you ever been hurt by a word,
Somthing someone said ,
That everyone heard,
I know i have,
And i hate thoos people,
And the adults that think,
That its just plain not true,
People who think that,
Are people hurt others,
Like me and you,
You know you've been hurt,
Wether its racial or not,
If they called you a fag,
A queer why not?,
they call you theese tjings,
That people dont thing that matter,
But they do in the end,
SO sticks and stones may break our bones,
And words will always hurt us,
So cut the crap,
Stop the music,
and plainly stop lyin to us.,


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