
by Nobrainy_duh   Oct 31, 2004

Every year when I was young,
And Christmas time came along,
The presents stacked up under the tree,
And it was always the same for me,

When Christmas day rolled on in,
My family piled in the den,
Sitting on the couch or on the floor,
Waiting to open presents galore,

My brother got this and my sister got that,
My dad was so happy when he found a new doormat,
And then my mom gave me a big box,
I opened it to find only socks,

At first I was confused and then I was mad,
My siblings got everything in the "in" fad,
I asked my mom "OK what's the joke?"
In hoped I would get something like the rest of my folks,

"There is no joke." She said,
"Be grateful and put them on your bed."
After break was over and I went back to school,
I found that everyone else had things that were cool,

Before I even go off the bus,
I was asked by many what I got for Christmas,
I told them I didn't have any good news,
No new toys or blue suede shoes,

But then in my first class,
There was one kid who never got asked,
As I looked at him and wondered,
Did he get anything while he slumbered?

Then I noticed his shoes were too big for his feet,
I stared and wondered as I sat in my seat,
Why did he get a present like that,
And not get mad and kick the cat?

It made me grateful at what I got,
Even if it was just a bunch of socks.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Victoria

    Very good poem with a good message behind it, keep writing!

    take care

  • 20 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    How sweet. things like that do make us stop and be grateful that at least we've got something.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lydia O

    That was a poem I enjoyed. It illustrates a good moral and that is to just always appreciate what we have regardless of how it compares to what others have.

    Good work.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lipton

    Sox keep your feet warm!

    ~Ciao Lipton