Soldier Success

by Jacklyn   Oct 31, 2004

My life has never been the same,
Ever since one certain day,
I remember the day he left,
I remember the words that he said,
“I love you,
I’ll miss you,
And don’t you dare change.
Remember I’m thinking about you each and every single day,
Don’t you worry,
For I’ll return home someday.”
But I did worry,
And I prayed,
That he’d return home safe.

The day my heart hit the floor,
And turned my heart to stone gray,
Was when I saw that soldier come to my home,
Before I opened the door,
I knew what he was probably going to say,
Tears filled my eyes,
As they began to steam down my face,
I opened the door to see what the soldier had to say.

“I’m sorry Mrs. But your husband’s life has been lost,
He was a great man,
He kept our hopes up high,
He fought with courage,
He fought with pride,”
The soldier froze, as he tried to hide,
The tears that filled his lonely eyes.
“Your husband fought to keep us alive,
Your husband is the only reason I’m alive,
He shot the person behind me,
As I struggled for my life,
He carried me to the doctors,
As I lost my conscious,
But as I heard the story once I woke,
They told me he was shot,
And instantly died,”
The soldier paused,
As tears fell from his and my eyes.
“The lost of his life, will defiantly be missed,
But for the rest of my life I’ll never forget his name,
I will always honor, admire and cherish what he did for me.
Know I have a chance to see,
My wife and my two-year-old daughter,
And see their life’s bloom.
I have a chance to grow old,
If you ever need me, call me,
My family will help,
Because of your husbands brave soul.”
Saying that he gave me his number,
Then went to his car,
He brought back my husbands uniform,
With a medal to honor his bravery.

My husband did return home,
Just like he promised,
Just the only things that was different,
Was he was in a casket,
Laying in peace,
Many soldiers came,
Many soldiers cried,
Many soldiers reminisced,
On the way he knew them and changed their life’s.

Another soldier came and told me,
“Your husband is the only thing that kept me going,
That kept me fired in my soul,
He taught many of us the true values of life.”

Another came and told me,
Things nice to know,
“Your husband and I fought,
Side by side,
Ever since we lost his life,
We tell the new recruits,
The story of his life,
We tell them to be like him,
And no matter if you think you failed,
You have found much success in your life,
Your husband will always be remembered,
And told to soldiers to come.”

Months had passed,
As tears had fallen,
But I’ll always remember the fact he loved me,
I’ll remember the success of his life,
I’ll remember the definition of his life is a soldier’s success.


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Latest Comments

  • aw....that was sad: ( it made me think of my brother...he is in Iraq right now, he has been there since last august....I'd be lost if something ever happened to him....anyhow, great job.

  • 19 years ago

    by asdfg

    Wow. That poem is so powerful, such strong words. There's so much emotion in it. Definatly a 5/5. Keep up the good work!
    -_-;; Ash~

  • 19 years ago

    by Shelby G.

    Omg... Tears are streaming down my face... That poem is so sad! Thank your for recomending it!! It's wonderful!!! a 5 out of 5, and i appoligize i cannot give it a higher rating.. its so awsome.. so sad, your poem made me cry, and thats an instant spot on my favorites list, thank you so much for this recomendation, i'll read all the other poems you mentioned. wonderful, awsome superb job!! This poem is among the best i've read!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lovemylove

    This is such a great poem it really is,its also very sad but still very,very good.

  • 20 years ago

    by .x.PorteR.x.

    WOw this is really good... definitely a 5... keep up the awesome work!

    xx, PorteR

    ps - thx for the comment on my poem =)