Oh heart!!!

by NeoDaDevil   Nov 1, 2004

Woe to those vultures,
Who evaluate friendship,
Woe to those friends,
Seeking to profit from it,
You were there when i was happy,
But left in the time of need,
It was then that a true friend came,
She stayed by my side and never expected a return,
It was then that i realized what a folly i committed,
It is now that i decide to let go of you fakes,
I have a true friend who cares and loves,
And only expects the same from me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lizz Kuhls


  • 19 years ago

    by Meguitan23

    hey neo...thought i would read some of your poetry. i came across this one and i really liked it. it really describes how one of my friends put up with my crap during that whole rough patch i talked to you about earlier. thanks for writing it. it truly expresses how i felt in that situation. ttyl.

  • 20 years ago

    by giggles

    this poem is so true and expressed so beautifully you are really good at expressing your feelings and i think that you should know that
    luv ya hun

  • 20 years ago

    by princess_neo

    ooops soory comp problems. lol. stupid comp. look at the bright side. i'm emphasizing my oppinion lol.

  • 20 years ago

    by princess_neo

    ... I'm obliged to be at your service. lol jk. Hey I think this poem of yours is gr8. I'm sayin this not becasue i have to, but because it is true. Your composure of the poem is true, and the words are true in my heart as well as your... they are now, and I hope will forever will be. ;). lol
    Hey i agree with Ashley im also glad you have a true friend.