I Thought You Loved Me Mommy (Abortion- Child's P.O.V)

by juss an allycat   Nov 1, 2004

I thought you loved me mommy
Coz I certaintly loved you too
But you did not give me a chance
To prove my love for you was true

I though you loved me mommy
How could I be so wrong
You made up your mind and decided
You and me did not belong

I thought you loved me mommy
But you told them to take me away
I felt them pull me away from you
No goodbye did you even say

I thought you loved me mommy
I felt my body slowing down
I felt my breath getting weaker
Did you care? I didnt see a frown

I thought you loved me mommy
But I'll forever respect your choice
I hope you'll always remember me
Though you'll never hear my voice

Copyright©2004 by Alysse
All Rights Reserved.

A/N: Abortion is a strongly debated topic, Plz note the last stanza, especially the second line. Thanx.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jessy

    I am so against abortions they are sooooo wrong!!!!!!!! nice poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    awesome poem, i hate abortion. i was adopted... and i think that makes me hate it more, to think that i could have been a number, not a child, jus another baby aborted and not given the chance to live. i believe that each child is a gift, you dont want the gift give it to someone else, you can bless someone else's life more than abortion will "help" you. people say that adoption is hard and it is... and you always wonder what happened to the child you gave up... but isnt it better that you gave him and gave him the chance to bless someone else's life and LIVE, and kill him before he had the change. Ok enough of that. awesome poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Ok Alysse I became a teenage mother so I think you have a very valid point in this poem - i dont know if ppl realise the difficulty and pain you go thru bringing a child into the world when your a single mother, unable to financially or emotionally provide any sort stability for a child - not saying this is my case at all but it a fact for many young women finding themselves pregnant today...who is anyone else to judge what a woman does with her body and especially judge her for something that in reallity crushes a lot of women to do..is it more cruel to bring a child into a world where you cannot love it, cannot feed it, cannot put a roof over its head ir is it better to wait for a time in your life where you can offer a child all the wonderful things in life it deserves...I agree 100% with alysse yes to some of you abortion is wrong but in some cases it is necessary - think of the poor young rape victims who couldn't deal with abortion and now see the faces of their rapists in thier children everyday? I think its unfair of us to judge anyones situation that we ourselves have not yet walked in...let all have some love and repect for individuals rights to make decisions that affect there lives as much as it does the lives of their unborn children!

  • 20 years ago

    by juss an allycat

    everybodys misinterprtating my poem, im saying there are two sides to abortion, that though abortion is wrong in some cases is necassary.....ahh i give up, thnk wat u lyk

  • 20 years ago

    by juss an allycat

    everybodys misinterprtating my poem, im saying there are two sides to abortion, that though abortion is wrong in some cases is necassary.....ahh i give up, thnk wat u lyk

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