Emma died today

by Mild insomnia   Nov 1, 2004

Watching flames fall from the sky,
Can't stop myself asking why,
When I,
Know all I'll hear are more lies.

The rivers run a cold hard red,
From the sea's in which her wrists have bled,
She said,
I won't look back with any regret.

Still it's so hard to see the point in her suicide,
There're no more protests ever since she has died,
No happy endings.

The wind howls and drags it's feet,
To a sad, solemn and lonely beat,
Of me,
The only rebel standing.

No one seems to care anymore,
It's like every opportunity's a locked door,
That made us argue furthermore.

Giving everyone a set of wheels, stop taking a back seat,
We're the revolution and we don't accept defeat...
Emma died today.

Carrying a faded flag...

I guess we can't mourn forever,
It's not something of which she'd approve,
Ain't this a day to remember?
Let's do what we're supposed to do.
Why cancel the riots right now?
Stand up, get your rears in gear.
What's changed your minds anyhow?
Let's not sit back and live life in fear.

The city lies in charcoal, no fire's block your path,
This town's a blank canvas, what's holding us back?
Stop pretending.

Still it's so hard to see the point in her suicide,
There're no more protests ever since she has died,
Emma died today.


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