Faded Love

by Renee Murdock   Nov 2, 2004

Your in my dreams,
my thoughts and my mind.
Oh how i wish i
could turn back the hands of time.
Everyday i playback the
memories in my head
Of the love that is now
buried, so gone, and so dead.
I knew that someday
we would have to part,
I knew that right from the very start.
So why do i
still feel like this?
Why are you now,
The one i miss?
You were my first love,
my one and my only.
and now without you
i feel so lonely.
So how do i tell you that
my love is real?
How do i get back those feelings
for which i would kill?

***This poem is dedicated to a very special person that was in my life a while back but i just cant seem to stop thinkin about him...His name is Chris Wells and if he ever happens to see this i hope he will be very happy that i wrote this about him...but i doubt it anyway just wanted to let you guys know that this is a true story!!***


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  • 19 years ago

    by Danny

    Wow, another great poem. your a great writer. 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    renee, sorry to comment twice on your poem, i never want to do so, just came here to tel you, i commented and voted on your cousin's poem, as you asked me to :)

    take care, always believe in love
    be sure to vote for my 2 new latest poems, they are in featured poems category. check them soon!

    ♥ amit ♥

  • 20 years ago

    by Renee Murdock

    Thanks Amit!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    nice poem renee, good work dear, heartfelt emotions in this one, :( well written and sad, 5!

  • 20 years ago

    by Renee Murdock

    that wasnt really my best*** poem....lol...sorry