Desperate Desire(07-18-04)

by A Mexican Teardrop   Nov 2, 2004

If love were to pass by me today would it be your face I see? I love you but you don't love me.

Why must I cry over love lost? I know i want you back at any cost.

Why did you leave me with tears in my eyes? Why did you deceive me with your hurtful lies?

You said you would never leave me and I believed that to be true. Why didn't my blind eyes see the clues?

I lost you before I had you. Right out of my arms you flew.

I hope she treats you true and right. I hope each day both of you fight.

I hope one day she hurts you like you hurt me. I hope the pain you feel stings like a bee.

I hope one day you will fly back into my arms. I hope one day I will steal you back with my charm.

I pray each day she dies a horrible death. I pray each week that from a window she will leap.

I'll sit and be patient, I know it will be hard. I'll be waiting even if it takes forever my love.

I promise you this, because it's you my love I will always miss.

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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Absolutely beautiful, hun. You did a great job with this poem, and it was very powerful and expressed alot of emotion. I really hope that you continue writing! Amazing job!