Comments : Untitled

  • 20 years ago

    by SHYSTY23KO

    Your poems aren't bad but your comments are!

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Aw man, i was a hermit about 2 years ago for at least 11 months...i mean i didn't interact with hardly anyone..i just hid away in my flat too scared to meet anyone from my past, and way to negative to open myself up to anyone new.

    This poem made me think of that time. Bold effort as usual Mr man.

    So hows the website coming along? any progress?

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I liked this piece. The poem flowed into the main object well and created an understanding to the reader with symbols relating to the bitter reality of isolation (correct?)
    I really admired the lines,
    "Eat your resolve then
    Beat until broken
    The self that you call your own"
    I really enjoyed those lines and how they were written to tie into the piece.
    Well done, good job