My life...

by SplitSided   Nov 3, 2004

Thoughts haunt my dreams.
Leaving me with silent screams.
For help for mercy.
But it\'s all from the courtesy.
Of life.
So sharp and jagged like a knife.
Cutting through me.
Setting all my anger and hatred free.
Nothing left but a rendered soul.
And that makes me cold.
Thoughtless in a blank stare.
It\'s like i\'m not even there.
Don\'t try to understand.
Because you can\'t.
The pain lets me know i\'m still alive.
It gives me that extra drive.
To freedom that isn\'t there.
But that\'s ok suddenly i don\'t care.
Nothing is left for me here.
Lonelyness is nothing more then fear.
I can do without anything or anyone.
Leave me alone cause i\'m not done.
I\'m here motionless speechless.
I\'m gone and it\'s total bliss.
Something that i won\'t miss.
Cause nothing matters anymore.
When it rains it pours.
Worse goes to worst.
I\'m cursed nothing more then dead.
I\'m seeing in red.
Nothing more then black and white.
As day is to night.
Feeling my way in a blacked out world.
Dig my grave in my head.
Leave me here for dead.
My lame desolate life.
I think i earned my last strike.
This depression.
Has unlocked a certain aggression.
I need nothing more then the air that i breathe.
And the anger that continues to seethe.
Under my skin.
Deep within.
My empty soul.
Darker then coal.
Burning in the bottom of my heart.
Tearing my world apart.
I\'m done with my last strike.
Welcome to a day in my life...


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