The Roses

by Broken   Nov 3, 2004

Plant the black roses
Deep in the ground
Because soon enough
That's where I'll be found

I can't take these people around me
Their pain forced inside is too deep
My blood burns through my veins
Signaling the need for it to seep

The time will come
When those roses crave blood
And it will be my own
Leaking into the mud

Once those roses bloom
I will be gone from here
You won't remember me
But only the sound of my tear

So get your dresses ready
Put on your black veil
Cuz tonight's the night
My life they will steal

When dawn breaks the eerie night
Resting along the blooming roses
Is where you'll find my mangled body
Silent and dead in all it's poses

You'll find the bloody knife
That put the gash in my wrists
And my bloodied hand
That tried to stop the slits

Cuz I never really wanted to leave
I just wanted to feel home
But instead they locked me away
Inside depression to forever roam


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  • 19 years ago

    by Elynnka

    Great poem, keep up the good work;)


  • 20 years ago

    by Bleeding Mascara

    I like it when you write about death! You really let your emotions flow! I really liked it.

  • 20 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    wow, that is AWSOME! no wonder it has 93 votes! that is just AWSOME! i really like your style of writing! its awsome and unique, you have a way with words! Keep it up!
    luv kt

  • 20 years ago

    by Unseen Exposure

    Simply beautiful poem. Excellent job.

  • 20 years ago

    by Angel of Broken Dreams

    Good poem. Not entirely perfect, nothing is, but stil good. Matches my tastes almost perfectly. well done.