It hurts me

by Chloe   Nov 5, 2004

You lie so broken in your world,
there is no more light, no bliss,
your happiness, oh, so tainted,
it kills me to see you like this.

I just want to wrap my arms around you,
but because of some reason, I don't,
I want to tell you that everything will be okay,
but I can't, because I know it won't.

I want to tell you how much I'm hurting,
but I don't, for I cannot speak,
I hold your hand, I hold it tight,
as I kiss away the tears from your cheek.

You look at me with your beautiful eyes,
as you quietly utter ' don't cry '
I am the one who is slowly dying,
but you are the one who will die.

I can feel the pain approaching,
and to see you like this breaks my heart,
my hopes, my wishes, my entire world
is slowly falling apart.

It will hurt me so much, and I will cry,
but I know that you will understand,
I softly whisper ' I love you ' in your ear,
as you slowly let go of my hand...

What words will never explain...



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  • 20 years ago

    by WarChildsBaby

    WOW! you are suck a good poet. this poem is awsome. can u read some of my stuff and comment.....5

  • 20 years ago

    by jamie25

    keep up the good work! excellent!

  • 20 years ago

    by Zayda

    Your actually one of my favorites, i guess i did add u da very first time i read your poems, you're very talented, you have always been but this poem, this one poem might be the best, for it has da greatest amount of feeling, since it came staright from the heart... it is indeed sad, i guess i wish i cud get things better for u but u no i cant, Chloe, plz keep ur chin up, u'll get over this...

    Best wishes, Zayda

  • 20 years ago

    by ReBecca

    very sad. i hope things get better for you, and you find some way to ease your pain that isnt destructive to yourself.

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Snow queen~*

    this is very well written and a great poem. keep it up!