Comments : Against All Odds

  • 20 years ago

    by Mephastophilis

    WOW! this is beautifully written. so sweet and cute. i loved these four lines "Told me if I fall in love
    I'd miss out on so much
    But I'd rather miss the world
    Than to miss your touch" i think that they are so touching. i can't convey how much i enjoyed this, the rhyme, flow and diction is brilliant. another great one. tc. xmollyxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    I have read some of your poems before and I just ended up back here. I read a couple more and I must say you are an amazing writer. I read That Night and I'm Sorry and a couple more. Those two I really liked. Well Keep it up guy!! Best of luck...Take care...

  • 20 years ago

    by Tianna

    I feel simalar to that,
    my family doesn't want me and my boyfriend to be together but because we love eachother too much to let go we basically are keeping our relationship secret

  • 20 years ago

    by John Holley

    thats exactly waht me and my wifey r going through...and it sucks that we cant be together.