by Mild insomnia   Nov 6, 2004

Beautiful scenery, people gathering, heading towards each other.


My heart's on the verge of bleeding,
It's out of time with every beat,
What a sight, so many meeting,
In the cool, summer breeze.
Upon a lonely hill far from,
The city that I knew,
Once upon,
A time, when I was with you.

The second of July,
And there's a single cloud in the sky,
We're all here,
No fear,
And it's the dawning of a new year.

Even though, it's passed,
Our chances were those of the last,
There's still hope,
I know,
If we'd all change our tunes, and fast.

What the hell's with you?
Why do you have to continue,
To start again, and again,
Why put so many people through pain?

Our voices do ring,
Across the city in which we live in,
It's our home,
And it's our own,
Still it's motto is wearing thin.

The town burned today,
It got caught up in our little fray,
The streets caught on fire,
And flames rose up to the catherdral's spire.


Council's telling us drop allegations,
Telling us that it's not all worth fighting,
But that's the thing there's complications,
They just don't want these wars down in writing.

They couldn't give a damn, unless it comes to money,
And since the city's in ruins, they must take action,
Hit a government hard, hit them in the pocket,
And this will cost a fortune, so there's the reaction.

It's not gunna stop us fighting though,
You can't build peace on only hope,
The town will fall if re-built so,
Let's regret killing what we helped grow.



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