
by claire   Nov 7, 2004

America is one big joke
A joke that’s not too funny
A joke that kills
A joke that lies
A joke that ruins others lives

And while we sit oblivious
There are hundreds dying
At the hands of our own men
And while our flags are flying

Our gluttony is a disgrace
We eat until we’re sick
We waste and waste,
And when its gone
We’ll steal another fix

We don’t care about the world
Or who else lives on it
As long as we are comfortable
We live in ignorant silence

We hoard our money in a bank
We’re greedy as can be
We sit on mounds and mounds of gold
While millions are starving overseas

Maybe if america
woke up a realized
We are just puppets of fear
And ignorance clouds our eyes

Then we could start to mend
all that we have broken
so please just listen to my plea
and all that I have spoken


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  • 19 years ago

    by Krista

    you no you think you no what is going on but you don't don't every time we send that money overseas to help feed the poor it is never used for that it always gets used to buy weapons to attack us i can name several times that happened right off the top of my head. and the only ignorant ppl in this country are the ppl like you who just think we are just killing innocent lives. well obviously you don't remember the thousands of innocent ppl they killed on 9/11. maybe if you think about that you would be better off. and maybe you should go move to another country if you think america is bad. you obviously don't understand what all positive bush has done.

  • 20 years ago

    by smokeybear

    wow summer, a little harsh. i like this poem as well as your last poem. your right, american people dont relize how easy that have it. keep writting and voicing your opinions, its people like you that gives president bush a run for his money.

  • 20 years ago

    by Mandy

    i dont agree with what's in this poem but it's beautiful none-the-less. 5.0 quality

  • 20 years ago

    by Mandy

    i dont agree with what's in this poem but it's beautiful none-the-less. 5.0 quality