Comments : Hey, Mr. BUSH:

  • 20 years ago

    by Nick

    Stupid and unpatriotic.. Quit being pissed off that Kerry lost.. It's over, accept it and move on.

  • 20 years ago

    by Mandy

    this poem's not patriotic. move on with life please!

  • 20 years ago

    by Semaran

    mainly the screw your self part.. hehe sorry.
    Interwsting.. im not sure about the poem structure or even the political correctness but its good to see you expressing your opinion and i have to say your feelings are quite clear in this poem which is what poetry is so often about.. im not american and im not really a fan of your president but that's generally irealavant.
    Oh and also isnt patriotism the love of ones county.. and are patriots so often the angry rebels that arise when something comes to harm their dream of their way of life? anyway keep writing..

  • 20 years ago

    by Nicole

    Whoo-hoo! you speaketh the purest of truths...Great to see other people think like me! You're totally right! Thanks for commenting on my poem!
    This one got a 5! I dunno how you had a 2.3 before!

  • 20 years ago

    by Nicole

    Oh and just disregard those patriotically BLIND retards up there, Claire. Tell them to get the sticks out from their rears. Move on you brainwashed losers!

  • 20 years ago

    by Angel Sanctuary ©

    lol These people are so stupid... You are right... This was an oil war.... What did iraq do to us... He had NO bombs..... NON .... God you people... He has lost tons of jobs.... Gave tax cut to the rich WHICH ISN"T WORKING.. the jobs are going to INDIA not america... God ... read the new paper and not the propaganda

  • 20 years ago

    by smokeybear

    Bush lied, and there is nothing anyone can say to prove he didint. i think your peom is very good, the politicalness might not be 100% correct but it gets the point across that bush is a jerk. to the people at the top, i dont understand how you can be in support for such a horribel man, who lies and cheats to get what he wants. but i do understand that the great thing about america is that you can think what ever you want to think.