
by Sara   Nov 7, 2004

Silence in the household;

............they don't even care that she's not there.

hearing them say;

............that they are worried about her..

that they don't know whats wrong..

............doesn't make any sense to her..

how many times must she put herself out there..

............to only get her heart torn in two,

they say they are worried..

............that they are slowly losing her..

shes 16 now you know..

............they lost her a long time ago

when she was younger

.............it was all so very simple

now simple is a word

.............too complicated to understand

make any sense?

...........she doesn't know either

poor girl lives with no one caring

..........years pass

she slowly dies

.........at her funeral

they ask the parents what was wrong with her

.......they reply

"i don't know...she never said anything.."

.....with tears

can you believe it?

..............the lonely girl no one cared about

WAS cared about...

............she couldn't speak though...

its easier to keep the world shut out

........than to admit you have a problem

if she only spoke

...........they might have saved her...

poor girl


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