• 20 years ago


    Danielle, this is a very insightful piece. I agree with you, abortion (no matter what the situation) is something I would never in my life consider. I believe it is murder and it shouldn't be legal, but on the other hand. Who am I to say what other people do? I just wanted you to know that this is truly an amazing and powerful paper you have written. It deserves an A+! Keep up the great work! Take care~Holly

  • 20 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    hiya... =) nice one right here... i dont believe in abortion... well yet sometimes im open to listen to them peep who aborted angels... but...i still cant understand why... =) hope u pass by my site coz i wrote something like this... titled "slain by your choice"... i dunno if we had the same site posted up... =) will appreciate it if u would come and have a glance and leave a comment... much love... and oh i really love ur poems... ciao

  • 20 years ago

    by Alyssa Aka: lyssa

    WOW amazing, but a question, if you were raped and found out a week later ur carring the baby of this rapist, would u go through the 9 months of pain, three days of even worst pain and then give the child up and wait 15 years when it comes back looking and asking why u gave ur baby up for no good reason, or would u get an abortion? the way i see it i would go for abortion but only if i was raped! But i totally am aganist abortion but its not my life that i would be ruining if someone had an abortion, ya maybe they killed their baby but u have to look at it like this, they have a reason and maybe it isn't good enough for u to see it as not a killing but to them it is a reason, it isn't easy to do this perecdure, and they pay for it in the future, i don't think there should be a law to prohabit it, because it is a choice! And it isn't like someone taking a gun to shoot another person. because that takes sickness. that takes anger and it takes guilt built up to do that, abortion doesn't take that, it takes pain and life choices!

    Always Lyssa> Miss ya tons danielle u are a well writer!

  • 20 years ago

    by Alyssa Aka: lyssa

    hey gurl, i agree with the comment u stated! And it should be illegal! Anyways, thanks for the comment on my work! I am not as amazing in my work as much as urs, ur like my role model in poetry! LOL

  • 20 years ago

    by Unseen Exposure

    Wow. Your speech was amazing. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but it's an honorable thing that you're findind out about the situation and the terms and defending your point. I can see why you'd be against it. I am as well. I hate the thought of robbing a CHILD of a life they never had a say in. It's horrible. I went to the site you had in your profile, and to me, that was a majoy slap in the face. I respect your point of view, and I loved your speech. Very well done. I hope you got an A.

  • all i can say is WOW i mean i dont beleive in abortion either, This speech impacted me greatly, i cant beleive the # of babies killed eah year! fantastic job and keep up the good work! i love all your peices

  • 20 years ago

    by happy days

    that was a really good speech, im totally against abortion too, keep up the good work xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaylee

    i totally agree with you... last year i wrote a paper for class about abortions... i do not think you should be able to get an abortion either, i've gotten into many arguments over this topic, and the way i think will never change.. Abortion is murder

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    Yea thats really true my mom had an abortion right after me and i never knew about night iw as talkin to her and i said something about abortion i had read on line and she broke down and started crying really bad...and said that shed had one and thinks about the babies all the time(she was going to have twins) she said she wished shed never done it because even tho we were strugglin then she said itd worked out...i never even got to know them..i dont hate her for it but im really disappointed in her...:(

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Very powerful speech with an awesome message. I am completely 100% against it as well. I like you believe it is murder. I have argued with many people on this site after they say it's not even a living thing and blah blah blah. I loved it and I wish I would have been in your English class to hear it. Take Care!

  • 20 years ago

    by Pianist

    You are so very right! I loved your speech! It was very inspiring! Read some of my stuff if you ever get a chance.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jaelly Longoria

    true very true of what you have said. Abortion is a murder. poor babies.