I cannot stand to be me any longer,
This fight doesn't make me stronger.
I wish I was someone else some place where no one knows me,
Somewhere that not even I am able to see.
Where I can have a second chance to be someone,
To be lit up under the sun.
I want to go and be something else other then what I am,
Somewhere were I can be accepted by them.
Where I am my unique self in front of you,
Where maybe you can like me too.
Can I truly be myself in a different place,
And if I can will I be able to show my face?
I want to be someone somewhere else so I can be noticed,
But if I leave my friends will I be missed?
Where can I go to be alone with my special one,
I want to go to a place where I can get away from the sun.
This light doesn't shine on me when the sun is near,
Darkness and depression is no longer my fear.
I will be sent some where else so I will not destroy others,
But that is just one of my many bothers.
When I set my spot and point in life when I will change me,
The person that I was will not show again a different person I will be.
But if I am not ready for it yet,
By goals will have a different time were they will be met.
And when I am someone somewhere else maybe just maybe,
When I think and act different then you'll see.
That not everyone is their true person,
That we can switch off and on.